Message by Veronika West …
..I heard the Spirit say…”Watch!…For the Days ahead will be defined by your attendance to the Altar,…I say surely the Fires of the Altar will be powered by the Sacrifices that I will require of you to prepare before My Presence”…
…As I heard the Father Speak those words to me,..the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord came into the midst of my wee prayer hut,…and suddenly I felt the hand of God moving in the realm of the Spirit,…at first like a warm gentle breeze…but then the Wind of the Spirit began to blow and a vision opened up to me,..
…And I saw a Virgin Dimension of the Spirit realm open up before me,..and I heard these words,..”The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god”….Psalms 24:4…
…and then I heard these words……”Who Will Ascend,..Who Will Come Up Higher,..I Ask…Who Will Attend to the Altars in the Days ahead??…
…Watch,..For My Eyes are Looking to and fro,…Who Will Prepare the Sacrifice,..Who Will Become the Living Sacrifice??…Who Will Build…Rebuild and Restore the Altars for the Fires of My Glory to fall….
…Watch,…For I Am Taking My Remnant BEYOND the realms of Visions and Dreams in the days ahead…Watch!..As the Altar becomes the Door where My Spirit of Revelation will lead them into the Deeper places of Radical,..Burning Encounters with My Glory,..Divine Encounters with the Burning One,..the All Consuming Fire that will bring them into virgin dimensions of Holy Consecrations…Consecrations that will bring to BIRTH A GREATER MANIFESTATION OF MY GLORY INTO THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH”..!