Look at this snip it from Lana Vawser posted just 16 minutes ago!!!!!!!!! I posted the full prophecy on our Facebook page.
Thursday group I will deliver the word I received from the Lord again tonight and will do a forum post after everyone hears it from me first.
Lord is calling them to build in this hour.
I saw these banks suddenly breaking and a huge TIDAL WAVE of the Spirit of God, a mighty outpouring being released into their lives, and I heard the Lord make a decree and the authority of that decree could have crumbled mountains.
I heard the Lord say, “WELCOME BACK,” and I knew instantly that this was a divine comeback.
I saw many had felt like they were stuck, and in the declaration of the Lord “WELCOME BACK,” they were being catapulted into accelerated advancement.
For many, you have been looking at the vision before you, but now the Lord is causing that vision to become 3D. You will see into the vision in deeper and greater ways.
It’s bigger and greater than you think.
abundant provision for the accelerated advancement.
Lean in, be tender and sensitive to My leading, for I am increasing the blueprint of these visions right now to carry more than you have even imagined.”
- supernatural empowerment and restoration: to bring forth what He had promised and invited them to build with Him