Squatter ... As an American I know this as someone who moves into a dwelling and doesn't have a right to be there.
It's not their property!
But once that Squatter is in the said dwelling it begins to make itself comfortable, living rent free. I'm fact, you'll have a hard time getting rid of the squatter.
The squatter will do everything it can to stay in the dwelling.
It Hides, dodges you, pretending it's not there.
But you know it's there by the mess it's leaving behind, it's no respector of property or persons.
The squatter doesn't care what it messes up.
I'n fact in most cases once moved in, it thinks it has a right to stay as long as it wants....
So what do you do?
You petition the courts and the law to help you remove the unwanted visitor.
The Lord woke yesterday morning showing me that is what most people have with demons and evil spirit abiding and living rent free in their bodies and dwelling.
Some even calling themselves spiritual beings.
Truth is a demon does think it has a right to remain in you!!!
Something you've done has opened the door letting it in.
Or a generational curse.
Now you have to go to the courts of Heaven and petition asking that demon to leave.
Now with that said, I've seen sprits on people that had no clue they were even being tormented by and evil spirit.
If you have an addiction to anything chances are there is a spirit taking residency in you
Anger, controlling issues always have to be in charge, depression,
So many things can be attributes to an evil spirit.
The Lord spoke to me, saying: I search the person's heart and I wait for their tongue to confess the problem I already see, only then will I remove it.
Others I will send people to assist in deliverance but my desire is to set everyone in bondage free.
What today is keeping you from God?
Ask God to search your hearts showing you what squatter is taking up residency in you then tell that evil spirit to hit the road.
Trust, if you don't believe in evil spirit you're living under a rock or don't watch the news and TV.
Evil is running rampade and it's about time we stand up and show Satan who created us and why!!!!
Oh Shellie that was really good! Praise the Lord for making that so simple to understand. Thanks for sharing!