Save the date!
But first, ask God, do you want me to commit and show up?
Ok, did you ask Him? Good. Now I can proceed.
Check your calendar. Ready to fish on the other side of the boat? Save the date!
January 17
Rev22 Miracle Cafe
Florence Mall
Cost: FREE ($50 value)
Miracle Menu Volunteer Training!
Only 40 slots available!
Text YES to confirm your seat. Otherwise no need to reply :)
Reminder only reply YES if God says so :) If it's a YES, act NOW and reply YES and add it to your calendar and show up January 17 promptly at 9am!
(Sorry, no childcare for this event)
If you cannot but know someone who may be able, feel free to share...
God Bless,
Tara :)
Oh! I almost forgot... Our hours of operation at the moment-
Wed and Thurs 4p-8p
Friday 11a-3p
Saturday and Sun 11-5p