In prayer this morning, I was reminded to be specific with the Lord when inquiring about things. So, I decided to ask some pointed questions about where we are as the Church. He didn’t hesitate to respond:
What is the Church doing right this year?
"You’ve started to ask questions."
"Keep asking - and don’t just settle for what’s comfortable."
What has pleased You the most?
"Faith put into action."
"When My sons and daughters declare My Kingdom is here and then demonstrate it!"
I see Jesus pointing somewhere...
Where are you pointing? What do you want us to see?
"The throne room. That’s where things change."
How do we pray right now?
"This is not the time for petition, but proclamation."
"Give Me and the angel armies something to work with!"
"Declare the truth - out loud."
"Displace the works of darkness with Kingdom authority!"
How do we prophesy right now?
"Listen for MY words and repeat what I say."
"Do not allow fear of man to silence your voice or soften your message."
"You are ROUTING DEVILS - for which I have NO MERCY."
What can we expect by the end of this year?
"That for which YOU have contended."
His answer shouldn’t have surprised me, but it was another reminder of why we are here.
He continued...
"Do not look for Me to accomplish that for which I have commissioned YOU."
"You are far more powerful than you realize."
"Time in My presence will determine your capacity."
"Pursuing My glory will determine the outcome."
“Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land.” (Psalm 85:9)