But there is an invisible church which does not seek the world recognition or approval. This church has been protected and nourished by God in the wilderness. Many in it have no name or earthly organization. Most of its members do not even understand it. They have wondered about in spiritual caves and holes in the ground. They are sojourners that could not be satisfied with cities built by men they keep looking for the one that God has built. Some are true shepherds some are true Wiseman; by revelation they are being led to the stables where the TRUE one is being brought forth once again. In some of the most humble works and ministries, the God of glory has chosen to bring forth powerful men and women of the faith. To some of the most meek and humble servants, a sword has been given. They will shake the entire world with the true gospel of the kingdom. The whole world is about to understand that HE does resist the proud but HE gives grace to the humble.
This does not mean that God is only found in the poor wretched and despised but that is where He is usually found.
Those who find Him will no longer care about being known or accepted by men they only want to be known by Him. In Him are found all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The knowledge of Him is more valuable than all the earths riches. When we know Him all the wealth seems pitiful.