The Lord woke me telling me too tell his children. ..
Did I not command the wind to be still, yet you doubt my strength and desire for your life.
I say to you, be still like that wind and know I'm still in command!!!
For I have not left you, I'm still in command!!
I stand watching on the wall, I'm seeing who will accept my power and use it as a tool that I've given you.
So many look to others to do for them what only I can.
I say to you now, like that wind.... be still.
Your minds rush and hurry along forgetting only I can command.
For my spirit is liken unto the wind it can reach anything I desire it to and cannot be stopped.
For my spirit alone will cover all 4 corners of the earth touching anything and anyone I command it too.
Know it's power and see that you use it.
Or you yourself like the wind will just blow along with no direction.
The time is short and the days aren't longer you think time has no end but yet I command that also and I've placed a time on it.
a time that only I know of and yet you live like it will go on forever.
I'm drawing near, know the time is drawing with me.
Stand on that wall and be watching!!
like that wind, feel my spirit and don't be blown over, be filled with my spirit on this day that spirit alone will weigh your feet down holding you strong to withstand the winds that blow.
Be not troubled but be calm, knowing I'm standing with you.
Do not look to the west or the north for only I circle your life.
Know me in this time for direction, knowing I command your steps, just like I command the wind.
For it will not only blow in directions you think, but will blow, as I command.
Plant your feet on that wall watching all directions and be ready.
Do not run in this day with heathens for I set you apart.
Know who you are in me and plant your feet accordingly.
I'm drawing near and time has an end that only I knoweth.
I say to you be still and feel me!!
like a summer breeze in the heat you have to stop appreciating how it feels on your face.
I still command that breeze only now it's a wind and will blow hard.
My spirit falleth upon you!!
God is speaking in volume
From Dutch Sheets Give Him 15 today.. the decree!! The Wind is blowing again. We hold out our embers, saying, “Ignite us, Lord, and we will burn for You!” We are committed to doing our part in our time! Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston. Portions were taken from her book Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. You can learn more about Gina at
Hallelujah, Blow Holy Spirit, for we are standing on the wall watching!!!