Why doesn't God answer your prayer when you want? Write this down ..... 1. Because God is stretching you!! he's taking you out of your comfort zone. Unless your playdough stretching hurts. Stretching unlocks potential He's stretching you, because he's taking you to another place of relevance. 2. God's testing you!!! What's your relationship with God contingent on. Are you talking to him because you're getting what you want? Or are you in relationship with him because of who he is. God will shake you away from that, give me something attitude and if you do I'll love you more attitude. Sometimes it's not what he can do for you he wants you to crawl up in his lap and tell him what a blessing he is to you. How thankful you are for him. He's testing you to see that his relationship isn't predicated on what you get from him, it's what he is in you!! 3. God's Trusting you!!! Everyone sees pain as a punishment, delay as denial but the truth is, what he's actually doing is he's trusting you, he's trusting you with his name, trusting you with his reputation, because if you can trust him when you don't get what you want and still worship, you still love him, you still call out to him, you still attend church, you still give to the needy, you still work for that relationship with him! Because a mature believer knows if they don't have it, they must not need it, that if it hasn't come, then something's coming another way! when that door closes another door will open. Because he says in Revelations he's going to open the door that no man can shut and so I'm trusting God even though it doesn't make sense, your last minute miracle is still coming!!! A lot of people in the Bible that needed a last-minute miracle go read second King Hezekiah, the prophet said you're going to die he turned his face to the wall and yelled God show up don't let it happen like this God showed up in the court and said turn around just know today God is turning some people around it might not happen the way you want it to happen but it's going to happen, it's going to happen according to God. What could be a no today will be a yes tomorrow. Hezekiah got 15 years added to his life because of one prayer I declare you are one prayer away from what God desires in your life. The Bible is full of last minute miracle Lazarus Paul and Silas in jail Jonah in the whale Daniel in the lion's den Don't ever think your situation can't change or turn around... It's been proven through history his power still reigns!!!!!
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