KEEP CALM AND GET READY”...; “Get Ready for The Rise of the Storm Riders”…; Storm Riders that will pursue the Raiders that have come to ravage and seize the Destiny of Nations…!
…I prophecy the hot house of His Spirit has prepared you for this deeper place,..Yes!..It’s a Birthing Place of your Kingdom Identity and Destiny,…It’s a fertile place where the seed of your Faith and Expectation has taken root and is now bringing forth FRUIT,..MUCH FRUIT AND FRUIT THAT WILL REMAIN….
..Ha! Friends,..Do not just look,…BUT SEE,…Let the Eyes of your Understanding be fully illuminated and enlightened,..You must Come up higher,…for there are New Pathways Forming,…New Dimensions being opened up to you,..Virgin Realms where the Hidden Secrets and Mysteries of His Glory are being unlocked to the Sons,…
…Treasure Chests of Divine Provision are being discovered,..uncovered and revealed to you in this hour,…Step up,..Step In and Step through the double Doors of Radical Hope that stand open before you.
…Incline your ears to the Sound of the Shepherds Voice,..Your Spiritual senses Must become sensitive in this hour to the frequency of His heart beat,…or you will be distracted by the demonic noise that seeks to deafen and dull your discernment and derail your advancement,…
So Let your Spiritual hearing be heightened and your Giftings sharpened,…Pay attention to His whispers, His divine instruction,…Remember the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation within you is your navigation system for the times and seasons ahead,…
…I say,..Listen!…Do not be tempted to come into agreement with the accuser,…for the Father of all lies seeks to bring you down to an earthly level,…where the battlefield between flesh and blood is unfolding…
…Guard the gateways,…for Surely if you come down from being seated in the heavenly places, shall be utterly defeated,…It’s time to assert your God given Authority and enforce the rights of the Covenant that He has made with you,…this is the hour where the Sons will walk in a Holy audacity and a righteous Anger,..Sons and High Priests Positioned at the Altar,…the Violent Ones,..clothed and mantled with the Spirit of Might…
…Be of good courage,..for the Battle belongs to the Lord,..Not by Might,..nor by Power but by MY SPIRIT,…
…It’s NEVER Too LATE…Don’t tell yourself,'s been too long,…and things can never change!
…Are you a Grasshopper?…Or a Giant Slayer,..YOU CHOOSE?…The possession of the Promise Land is determined by what you SEE,…If you can SEE IT YOU CAN POSSESS IT,…
…I prophecy the God of the Impossible is moving in the midst of you,…Look!…The Stone of Ebenezer is Rising in the midst of the Storm,…Stand therefore,..Be Still and Know that He is God,…Watch!…Get Ready for The Rise of the Storm Riders…Ha!! Storm Riders that will pursue the Raiders that have come to ravage and seize the Destiny of Nations…Yes!…Storm Riders are now emerging to pursue,…overtake and recover all that the Raiders of Darkness have taken….Are you a Storm Rider or a Cave dweller?…
…Friends,..You have not been given a Spirit of Fear,…BUT LOVE,..POWER AND A SOUND MIND,…Fear Not!…He has taken you under His Wing,…and under His Shadow He has made you invisible to the onslaught of the devourer….to the thief that comes to steal,..kill and destroy…
…I prophecy,…You will know of His Wonders not by the hearing of your ear,..; but now your Eyes shall See Him and His Salvation,…and your mouth shall testify of Him,…as being the Mighty Breaker that has gone up before you,…You will shout aloud that He is your battle-ax and sword in the midst of conflict,..and that With Him,…you have gone forth to shatter the nations and destroy the kingdom of darkness….
…He calls you Soldiers of Light,..and Warriors of Truth and Justice,…He says,..”Be of Good Courage My Overcoming Ones,..For I AM,..All Powerful and the only True and Faithful Intercessor,…My Watchful eye is forever upon you,…and My Governing Righteous Right Hand is forever moving on your behalf,…I AM is in the midst of you, Your Mighty Deliverer,…
…So Come Now...Rejoice…Look Up…
…He has lifted His banner of Love over you,…He has quietened your fearful heart and healed the brokenness of your past,…He is bringing forth Beauty from Ashes in this hour,…and by the Power of His unchanging and unlimited love towards you,…He will Sing over you with LOUD singing, and bring you into the place of manifest promise, fulfilment and Kingdom Destiny.
By Veronika West
Powerful Prophecy