The Lord had me study Halloween last year.. because like many I was handing out candy participating in Halloween. So he had me study the origins which I never knew ...
Can Christians celebrate Halloween??
Christians believe that we can redeem it with a trunk or treats, and harvest parties while others believe it's an open door to the demonic, knowingly and unknowingly that allow the enemy to gain access into our life and so what's radical to me is that the same people that go through an hour or two or longer even sometimes days of Deliverance go right back home and then they participate in something like Halloween....
Today you can't separate the origins of what Halloween really stands for
you will never be able to separate the origins of it and participate in that and think you can open that door and they come right back and say I don't think I was really delivered, no you were delivered you just keep opening the same doors over and over and over and so we need to close the door and if the whole world would do this we would be delivered of this evil but instead we says things like, you're crazy religious or too strick on your kids.
I don't know if anyone's ever told you but Halloween started years and years ago by the Celtic Druid culture which if you don't know they're seeped in witchcraft that was kinda like their thing, it's their culture and so what they did. It's said that on that particular day Halloween that during that day they believed there was a thin veil that they could cross over from the spiritual world into the satanic demonic world, they'd summon the dead.
They'd actually bring food and light fires snacks to give to the dead because that was a time of celebrating the dead, where the dead could arise and roam around the earth. So that some of the spirits wouldn't come back taking revenge they'd put out a treat to trick the spirits... Hence the phrase used by many
"Trick or treat"
Because they'd want to watch
They didn't want these spirits to take revenge on them so what they would do is dress up with animal bones and animal heads sometimes, and that's how costumes came into play so that the spirits would then recognize them as a spirit and pass them bye, and that's how costumes came about, it was steeped in demonic satanist culture.. to keep the evil spirits away from their homes they would put treats out on the porch and they would carve turnip lanterns and put candles in them, in America culture we used pumpkins because we have pumpkins here but over there used turnups and they would carve these things... like we continue to do on Halloween...
So here's the example to the body of Christ that I shared at church. . I said for the purpose of communicating with the dead which the Bible states as a Christian we are not to do... And trust it's not your dead grandmother you're communicating with it's called a familiar spirit for a reason.
Take a Ouija board, I wouldn't bring out a Ouija board to communicate with the Lord if I did as Christian you'd think I was crazy, we know a Ouija board is evil....
That's the same thing you're doing by celebrating Halloween your participating with the evil demonic spirits.
you cannot take Halloween which is derived in witchcraft and worship of the dead and all kinds of demonic practices and then say I'm going to dress it up as an angel and I'm going to go door to door and I'm going to just eat my candy and sit and be merry!!!
You're deceived, I love you in the Lord, and I'll love you no matter which side of the the fence you fall on, I'm still going to love you in the Lord! but, I got to tell you the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Participating in Halloween is coming in alignment with the devil, the same holiday that satan worshipers literally look forward to all year.
Witches sleep all week Just to be able to stay up all that night to practice in witchcraft and do spells.... little children are being abducted, sacrificed killed, prostitutes go missing in high numbers, homeless people come up missing in crazy numbers on this night this is real .. it blew my mind researching this... I had no idea some of this existed,... There's so much crime and evil that goes on!
My daughter never wanted to go trick or treating it was a joke in our house she was the only kid in America that didn't want free candy.
The Lord showed me that it was him, and why!!!!
He was protecting her from demonic spirits attaching itself from the candy being handed out by demonic spirits.
Do you know every house your kids visit collection candy and what they practice in their lives?
As a church we've failed as a whole by allowing this and taking place in it.
It goes hand and hand with burning sage, crystals, ect..
There is a demonic agenda the evil one knows his time is short and he's pouring out evil on this earth which we are seeing 10 folds
The church has been so focused on other thing versus the ministry of Jesus Christ, casting out devils, healing the sick, calling people back to repentance, we as the church got to nice and worried about hurting someones feeling we let the devil have his way on this earth
We need deliverance of the whole church.
The Lord is going to have a deliverance revival of the church. The days of sitting on pews and playing church are over.
We need Holy Ghost revival of church. Letting the real Jesus back into church!!
No trick and God is our treat