God is speaking to his people.....
He's saying to us ...
Frustration comes with the end times.
Frustration is the friction of unrighteousness rubbing against Righteousness...
The Days of Noah..
Self Righteousness is even worse in these times
Those who don't want to believe the truth...
I Shellie know whom I believe in and I'm unpersuaded... people's faith is being undermined.
Everything we see today is a picture of disappointment, contempt, corruption and death... The days of Noah.
Just look at Washington DC. Where everyone and everything is for sale.
God is merciful but, you don't want to play with him, remember by the time he was done in the days of Noah only 8 people were left.
You cannot continue to breathe bad air and expect your breath not to stink.
In the midst of Noah's days the church can flourish... The only saving factor the world has is the church
weariness steals your thoughts and wears you out .... Don't be weary!!!
Hold tight, September is coming!!!
along with a shaking!!!
Prepare and be ready.... God is moving and he's going to clean this mess up and reset exposing the defiled corrupt people.
In my writing from a year ago God showed me Sept, by showing me my daughter's birthday, I then though it would be last Sept.
God doesn't speak in my time he speak in his.
I believe now it's this Sept.
Stay close to God in these days going forward keep your hearts guarded..
I decree the shaking to go out into the nations!!!!!