One morning as I was praying, it was as if I heard and saw a clock ticking. It seemed to be moving at a rapid pace . . . not normal seconds. Then I heard, "Time has accelerated!" The message wasn't one of "running out of time", but rather that we were entering God's "timing"!
Where it has seemed we have been moving in "slow to no" motion, I sense God is saying, "Run on and feel yourself being broken free from the 'bands' of the past! You are entering a time of acceleration, and you are being freed to run with a strong, new gait! Where you have felt slow and sluggish, as you cross over into My timing, your feet will now take on a new gait! You will move with confidence, balance, strength and authority! Your steps are ordered and you will now be navigated by My Spirit so that you will not be taking unnecessary steps that drain your energy and time. It's a new day . . . a new time! A time when you will run and not grow weary!"