Pretty vivid dream last night. I asked God about what my future holds before I went to sleep. This is the dream I was given.
I was standing on some steps that went upward. I was at the bottom. The steps were at the end of a long hallway which had a ceiling made of stained colorful glass. I was watching the owner of the restaurant arguing with the manager of the restaurant. The manger was furious and just out of control. The owner was calm and collected. I started to walk away down the hall away from their argument when the manager came barreling through the hall right behind me and he jumped up and started busting the stained glass. It was falling on me. All these bits of glass were everywhere including my hair. I turned around in the hallway and ran back toward the steps because I wanted to find a place to wash the glass out of my hair. I woke before I could get up the steps to wash the glass out.
I like the dream. Thanks for sharing. After reading everyone’s interpretations… stay the course is the theme of the dream. God will handle the enemies of the past and things that may be uncomfortable. Don’t turn around. Keep moving forward.
God is taking you on a journey. Even though there may be some distraction and a little damage, you are unharmed, and it is ultimately opening you to endless possibilities! God uses all things for the a good of those who love him according to his purpose. Keep your eyes on him
To follow I just read Shellie… stay the course
I feel the dream means the battle is the Lord. He represents the owner of the restaurant. He sets a table before us in the presence of our enemies. The enemy is furious that you are no longer on a spiritual hallway with a glass ceiling full of limitations, that he can just come along and shatter and destroy your beauty and glory. He might be accusing you because that his name accuser but you have redemption in Jesus so his accusations are voided. Don’t look back at your past even if it is more comfortable, no going back to slavery in Egypt. The blood of Jesus has made you clean and you are a new creation. You don’t belong in your past anymore for he made all things new. The gifts that God has for you are endless and lead upwards to God. For His glory. Stay the course. Don’t turn around when the going gets uncomfortable, keep going up. The battle is the Lords. He will fight for you.
Steps moving upward means progress
Hallway being long means it's a journey
Stainless glass means spiritual
Arguing men means it's a fight.
Glass shattering means his spiritual power breaks all thing.
He washes all off us. Hence you wanting to get the glass off
You ran back to where he placed you to start the journey .. hence stay on the course.
What would you title your dream?
How were you feeling?