…Watch and Pray for the Killer Whales are Coming…!
…Friends this morning I come to you with an…
…I come with a prophetic submission,…so the Lord has taken me back into a powerful and poignant dream last night,..a dream I had 7 YEARS ago….
…I believe the timing of this recurring dream is not a coincidence but rather I believe a dream that may be about to come to pass,…; WE MUST STAY WATCHING….PRAYING AND BE PREPARED…
…7 YEARS ago this dream made very little sense,…however,…last night as I was taken back into this same dream,…again I found myself…first standing over the Seas….and then I was standing deep beneath the waters of the sea,…
…When suddenly I could hear what sounded like morse code,…and then very loud clicks, whistles, and then high pitched sounds that seemed to fill the atmosphere,…these loud and distinctive sounds reverberated deep under the waters causing powerful ripples above the waters,…in the dream I could see the Waters of the Seas being violently stirred up,…
…Now I knew that what I was hearing were pulsed calls,…secret communications,…when suddenly I saw A HUGE POD OF 10 KILLER WHALES coming towards me,…
…As soon as I heard those words,…I watched as the huge pod of Killer Whales continued to swim towards me,…and I began to pray loudly in the Spirit,…and a great URGENCY filled my heart….
…and as I continued to pray,…again the same (5) NATIONS were brought before me in the dream,…the Nations of “America, Germany, Israel, France and the United Kingdom”…and suddenly I started crying out,…”GRACE GRACE…MERCY MERCY MERCY”…
…Suddenly, I heard these words,..”Watch for the Spirit of Leviathan,..the Beast from the East shall Rise,…I say,..Watch for the Killer Whales are now on the War-path”…!
…I suddenly Woke from the dream!
…Friends, the First Dream 7 Years ago I saw 10 Submarines,…this dream I saw 10 Killer Whales,…which looked just like Submarines which were secretly communicating with one another,..
****Prophetic Notes to Ponder Prayerfully;
…As I looked up the meaning of Whale in the Hebrew it means;
לִוְיָתָן Meaning: Leviathan, Whale.
…The biblical meaning of Whale in dreams can be multifaceted, and it’s essential to pay attention to the context of the dream,
…Dreams of Whales can be a Warning of Impending Danger…in this dream I believe it is…
…But We also know that in the Bible, the whale is also symbol of God’s power and sovereignty….
…The whale first appears in the book of Genesis, where it is referred to as a great sea creature or Leviathan…!
…Often times when we think Whales that first thing we think about is the book of Jonah, where God commanded Jonah to preach REPENTANCE to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah refused and attempted to flee from God on a ship.
…A great storm arose and the sailors threw Jonah overboard, where he was swallowed by a whale….After three days and nights inside the fish’s belly, Jonah REPENTED and prayed to God for forgiveness.
…As a result, the fish vomited him onto dry land, and Jonah went on to fulfill his assignment,…
This poignant and powerful recurring dream…is both a WARNING BUT IS EMPHASISING THE NEED FOR REPENTANCE AND FORGIVENESS…
…The Whales can also be seen as a symbol of the consequences of avoiding our responsibilities and refusing to follow God’s commands….Just as Jonah was swallowed by the whale and eventually repented, in this hour as the ECCLESIA WE MUST BEGIN TO CRY OUT FOR REPENTANCE AND FORGIVENESS NOT JUST PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION..!!
…The Number 10…Speaks of God's authority, completeness, order, and divine perfection.
…The Hebrew word for the number ten is pronounced, `eser and looks like this: עשר The first character is the `ayin, ע, and symbolically means to see, eye, discern, or divine providence. The second character is the Shin, ש, and symbolically means the tree of life, burning bush, God's spirit..!
…Pray: The Submarines Are Coming!
November 29, 2016 Veronika West..;
…Last night I had another strange dream, but I believe a very poignant dream that I wanted to share with you all for the purposes of prayer and intercession.
In this dream, I was standing high above the Pacific Ocean. I knew that God had brought me to this place as a matter of great urgency and for the purpose of revealing something very important to me!
Now as I stood in this place surrounded by deep waters, suddenly my ears picked up on a strange pinging sound that seemed to come from deep within the waters of the sea.
I looked but I could see nothing that would explain the sound, but then I heard these words, “Daughter, watch! For the submarines are coming.”
Then the water roundabout me became clear and translucent and my vision became very acute and I saw deep within the waters and close to the ocean floor at what looked like Wartime Submarines.
I counted and there were 10 of them in number. I watched as one after the other these huge underwater ships moved together in perfect unison and all in one direction.
Now again, by divine revelation, it was being made known to me that these sea vessels were moving in unauthorised waters and their movements were going undetected and unnoticed by any land, air or sea security forces.
I felt an great urgency to pray for divine protection over the waters of the sea, over the land and over the air.
I began to decree that every hidden and concealed assignment and agenda of the enemy that would seek to destroy life, would be suddenly and quickly exposed, overturned and destroyed. The dream ended!
Two Fold Interpretation:
As I have prayed today, I was given two interpretations of this dream by the Holy Spirit.
The first being that there are in the natural realm Wartime Submarines which are moving in the waters of the Pacific Ocean at this moment, and they moving in unauthorised waters and they have not yet been detected by land, air or sea Security forces.
These vessels have a sinister agenda and I believe they have the power and the intentions to destroy life and wreak havoc. I believe there is a demonic plan of the enemy unfolding in this hour that needs to be overturned and overthrown.
Would you now begin to pray for divine protection over the seas, the land and the air.
Please see a word I posted on Saturday regarding a “SECURITY BREACH.” I feel the two are interlinked and confirming of one another.
Secondly as I have prayed the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the next 10 days, (10 submarines) are crucial days and dangerous days for the Nations of America, Germany, Israel, France and the United Kingdom.
I was shown these FIVE specific Nations, and I saw that the enemy has his eyes fixed upon these 5 Nations.
Please also pray for the nation of Australia at this time! (Pacific Ocean).
I submit that if we do not pray there will be an attempt by the enemy to destroy LIFE and strike fear and terror in the hearts of many people within the next 10 days.
We must be praying for divine protection over the waters of the sea, over the land and over the air.
Pray that every secret weapon of the enemy in the seas, on the land and in the air that has been concealed and hidden would now be exposed and revealed.
…Pray for divine and supernatural insight, wisdom and his preserving power over these specific nations- America, Australia, France, Germany, Israel and the United Kingdom.
Please read Prayerfully:
“Why are you so distant, LORD?
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
The wicked person arrogantly pursues oppressed people.
He will be caught in the schemes that he planned. The wicked person boasts about his selfish desires.
He blesses robbers, but he curses the LORD.
He turns up his nose and says, “God doesn’t care.”
His every thought concludes, “There is no God.”
He always seems to succeed.
Your judgments are beyond his understanding.
He spits at all his opponents.
He says to himself, “Nothing can shake me.
I’ll never face any trouble.”
His mouth is full of cursing, deception, and oppression.
Trouble and wrongdoing are on the tip of his tongue.
He waits in ambush in the villages.
From his hiding places he kills innocent people.
His eyes are on the lookout for victims.
He lies in his hiding place like a lion in his den.
He hides there to catch oppressed people.
He catches oppressed people when he draws them into his net.
His victims are crushed.
They collapse, and they fall under the weight of his power.
He says to himself, “God has forgotten.
He has hidden his face.
He will never see it!”
Arise, O LORD!
Lift your hand, O God.
Do not forget oppressed people!
Why does the wicked person despise God?
Why does he say to himself, “God doesn’t care”?
You have seen it; yes, you have taken note of trouble and grief
and placed them under your control.
The victim entrusts himself to you.
You alone have been the helper of orphans.
Break the arm of the wicked and evil person.
Punish his wickedness until you find no more.
The LORD is king forever and ever.
The nations have vanished from his land.
You have heard the desire of oppressed people, O LORD.
You encourage them.
You pay close attention to them
in order to provide justice for orphans and oppressed people
so that no mere mortal will terrify them again.” Psalm 10.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Thank you for posting this. I’m praying 🙏